We Believe
The Bible is the inspired, infallible, completed Word of God.
There is only one, living and true God, composed of three Persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; each eternally co-existent and fully God. God is sovereign over all creation, and He directs all things in accordance with His eternal, immutable purpose.
The first man was created perfect, but willfully disobeyed God, severing his communion with God, thus leaving his descendants - all mankind - at enmity with God and spiritually dead in their sin.
For no reason, other than to glorify His own Self, God in His eternal purpose chose to reconcile a multitude of people to Himself through the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For this multitude, Jesus Christ took on the form of a man and became their perfect Substitute on the cross, satisfying divine justice on their behalf. His sacrifice purchased all things necessary to ensure their eternal salvation.
Although God commands men everywhere to repent, such is the power of sin that men will not of themselves obey this command. Therefore God, determining to save those for whom Christ died, draws them by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit; who renews their minds, hearts and wills so that they freely trust in Christ.
Saving faith is of necessity accompanied by repentance, which involves the recognition of, sorrow over, and the turning away from all known sin, with a new desire to live in obedience to Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ alone is the Head of the one true Christian Church, which is made up of only those people who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. All these are presently indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and by their words and deeds show their allegiance to Christ.
There are two ordinances which have been instituted by the Lord Jesus; believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper. Neither of these has, in itself, the power to save men from their sins, but are outward symbols of inward, spiritual realities.
God, in His eternal purpose, has also appointed a day of judgment; a day in which He will judge all mankind in righteousness by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ will return bodily to the earth and every human who has ever lived will appear before Christ to give an account of their life and to receive either everlasting life in the presence of God, or everlasting torment in hell.
We are a member church of the Sovereign Grace Fellowship.
Our Pastor
Glenn Tomlinson
Glenn was born in Toronto, Ontario and raised in a godly Christian home, coming to faith in Christ at an early age. A graduate of University of Toronto in Commerce, he worked in the financial services industry for 15 years. During this time he also served in leadership roles at Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Metropolitan Baptist Church and Port Perry Baptist church, all in the greater Toronto area. Recognizing God's call on his life, he entered vocational ministry in the summer of 2005, taking up the position as pastor of Sovereign Grace Community Church, Sarnia, Ontario. He is the co-editor of the book From Strength to Strength: A Pictorial History of Jarvis Street Baptist Church (1993) and the author of From Scotland to Canada: The Life of Pioneer Missionary Alexander Stewart (2008). He is married to Sonja and has four children and many grandchildren.
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Our History
The seed of Sovereign Grace Community Church was planted in September of 1984 when Pastor Kirk Wellum, along with several like minded brothers and sisters, began to discuss the idea of starting a new work in the Sarnia area. Their desire was to plant an evangelical Baptist witness grounded in the historic doctrines of the Christian faith and unashamedly committed to the serious and comprehensive exposition of the Scriptures. By November, a little band of disciples began meeting on Sunday evenings at Brights Grove Public School.
Soon thereafter morning services were added. This culminated in the official founding of the church on the 18th of January 1985, with 18 charter members being later installed on March 3rd. Slow steady growth ensued.
The church then stepped out in faith and purchased a building, the former Temple Baptist Church, with the inaugural service being held on the 28th of February 1988.
Pastor Wellum faithfully served the congregation until the 31st of August 2003, when he was called to Pilgrim Baptist Fellowship in Ancaster, Ontario. For a period of two years the congregation profited from the preaching of several men, among them were Pastor Roger Fellows and Pastor David Daniels, both of whom ministered on a regular basis.
At the suggestion of Pastor Daniels, the church was encouraged to consider Glenn Tomlinson for the pastoral ministry. The call was extended on the 17th of April 2005, and the church continues to enjoy his labors to the present day.